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What is Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH)?

Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) is widely regarded as the most reliable indicator of ovarian reserve, offering valuable insights into a woman’s reproductive potential. Unlike other hormones that fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle, AMH levels remain relatively stable, making it a dependable biomarker for assessing the remaining quantity of ovarian follicles. Specifically, AMH provides a comparison of an individual’s relative number of remaining eggs in relation to other women of the same age, helping both patients and clinicians understand where they stand on the fertility spectrum.

Studies have shown that AMH is one of the best predictors of reproductive outcomes for individuals undergoing assisted reproductive technologies (ART), such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). Elevated or diminished AMH levels can also serve as an essential diagnostic tool for conditions like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), where abnormally high levels often indicate an excess of immature follicles. Furthermore, AMH testing can predict the length of a woman’s remaining natural fertility, offering an estimate of how much time she has before fertility begins to decline significantly. This hormone is also a useful marker in forecasting the onset of menopause, enabling women to make informed decisions about their reproductive planning and healthcare.

The measurement of AMH is critical for fertility clinics, particularly in determining ovarian responsiveness to fertility treatments. Unlike traditional markers like Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), which require testing at specific points in the menstrual cycle, AMH can be measured at any time, offering greater convenience and accuracy.

By employing advanced testing methods to analyze AMH levels, precise and accurate results are ensured, providing strong support for routine fertility assessments and more complex clinical decisions. Offering this service helps patients gain deeper insights into their reproductive health, providing the necessary data for proactive family planning, fertility preservation, and personalized treatment strategies.


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